Ultrasound Musings
My big "Level II" ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday (15th). The closer I get, the more worked up I get -- I'm really excited to get a little sneak preview, and (barring any sudden unexpected modesty) find out whether Baby #3 will be Miss Baby or Mr. Baby for the next few months while Dave and I haggle over names.
Then I got to thinking.... how many medical tests does a person actually look forward to? Because an ultrasound done by a doctor at a specific number of weeks gesgation is not for fun (or not just for fun) -- it's a medical test to check for major deformities. Gee, that sure took the wind out of my sails.
I've had two relatively easy pregnancies resulting in two healthy boys. Sometimes I feel like I'm really pushing my luck here -- and then again, I know that everything will likely be ok. It's hard to know whether to be optimistically blind to the possibility of things-going-wrong, or pessimistically ignore the vast odds in favor of everything be just peachy.
Of course, it could be TWINS. (There, now I've said it, and now it can't actually happen.)
I vote for twins!
Robin, at 12:35 PM
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