More than one mother I know (myself included) has talked about feeling like a fraud from time to time. As in, we appear to be holding things together and doing a good job of raising our children -- but in reality, we are foul-tempered and scatter-brained. More than once I have said something to one of my boys that I later (sometimes nanoseconds later) regret. I do my best to apologize, and hope that counts for something.
However fraudulent I feel at times, it is NOTHING compared to this guy though. This kind of thing really frustrates me! I have a hobbiest's interest in anthropology, which means I have read a lot of stuff but don't always remember where which information came from. Now I will have to try and sort out which bits of data came from Herr Liar and try to tag them as such in my very muddled mental catalog ... ugh.
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