Much Considered

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Live Journal

So. I'll be posting primarily over at Live Journal from now on.

A bunch of my friends have accounts there, and Live Journal very kindly will compile a single page of recent posts of people I list as my friends. Too good to ignore!

Monday, February 21, 2005


More than one mother I know (myself included) has talked about feeling like a fraud from time to time. As in, we appear to be holding things together and doing a good job of raising our children -- but in reality, we are foul-tempered and scatter-brained. More than once I have said something to one of my boys that I later (sometimes nanoseconds later) regret. I do my best to apologize, and hope that counts for something.

However fraudulent I feel at times, it is NOTHING compared to this guy though. This kind of thing really frustrates me! I have a hobbiest's interest in anthropology, which means I have read a lot of stuff but don't always remember where which information came from. Now I will have to try and sort out which bits of data came from Herr Liar and try to tag them as such in my very muddled mental catalog ... ugh.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Very Funny Link

Ok, so this is about the funniest thing I've read all day, go check it out.

In other news, as of tomorrow I am officially in the third trimester of my third pregnancy. I'd pretend to be all sad about the impending loss of the famed "middle trimester energy surge" -- except I NEVER GOT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I waited and waited, and all I got was three months further along.

Seriously, I am sleeping, like 12 hours a day. Every day. And I'm still exhausted. Of course I'm sure it doesn't help that I wake up every two hours to go pee. I can't wait until this baby is born and I finally can get some decent sleep. :)